Innovative Cosmetic Dentistry in Lynnwood, WA

Having a cosmetic problem with your teeth can be quite embarrassing. Your smile is the first thing people see about you; it leads the way into a room or office or other social setting. Yellowed or chipped teeth can have a negative psychological impact on the person you see every day in the mirror.
Luckily, modern dentistry has developed numerous effective solutions to restore the natural appearance of teeth. Through cosmetic dentistry, patients are able to enjoy a beautiful and healthy smile even after their teeth got decayed or damaged.
Getting cosmetic dental treatment isn’t just a way to enhance your physical appearance. It can also give the following benefits:
Improved facial attributes.
Your smile isn’t just the only part of your face that looks better with cosmetic dentistry. Your cheeks and eyes will also have a more supple and lively appearance and people will notice that you look younger.
More confidence. Having a beautiful smile will make you feel more confident about yourself. You will have more interest in interacting with your peers because you don’t have anything to hide.
Less insecurity and anxiety.
How embarrassing would it be to show up at a job interview with a broken tooth? Getting cosmetic dental reconstruction will minimize your feelings of insecurity about your appearance and make you less anxious to present yourself to others.
Stronger and healthier teeth.
Damaged or decayed teeth are not only aesthetically unappealing, but also unhealthy. They can become sensitive, discolored, and even deteriorate until they need to be extracted. You can prevent this by getting cosmetic dentistry treatment. The restorations used on damaged teeth not only restore their appearance, but also protect the susceptible parts of the tooth from further damage.
At Alderwood Family Dental, we offer the complete range of cosmetic dental treatments to solve all of your esthetic dental needs. They include: